Apple News

Malware Poses as Fake “Apple Security Center”

Apple security center is a fake virus scanner that reports non-existent infections on your computer. It is in no way associated with Apple Inc.

If you ever see a message or window in Safari or your e-mail client about your system’s security being compromised, ignore it!

Malware developers and scammers are increasingly focusing on OS X and working to trick Mac users with highly developed Trojan-like attempts, using both software and ominous-looking messages generated in Web browsers and e-mail clients. The scam software called MacDefender was discovered for Mac OS X, a Web-based malware-detection facade that tries to get you to download and install malware on your system.

Example of Malware Apple Security Center

This may be a concern to people, but rest assured these are just scams, trying to coerce you into installing their malware. If you ever see a malware scanner suddenly pop up on your screen, Do NOT install anything, just quit your browser.

Overall, Mac OS X is known to be virus-free and worm-free, but that does not mean it is malware-free, though to date all malware for Mac OS X has been of the type that’s installed by tricking the user. There are numerous types of malware, which like any false advertisements on the Web and in e-mail, and have been a plague for Internet users for years.