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Mac OS X Server Support

Since the first Mac OS X Server in 2001, Apple’s Server is built on the strong under-pinnings of UNIX and with Leopard Server 10.5, is an Open Brand UNIX 03 Registered Product. Apple has taken open standards and strength of its UNIX core to the next level with Snow Leopard Server 10.6, giving new features and advancements.

WorkgroupSince the first Mac OS X Server in 2001, Apple’s Server is built on the strong under-pinnings of UNIX and with Leopard Server 10.5, is an Open Brand UNIX 03 Registered Product. Apple has taken open standards and strength of its UNIX core to the next level with Snow Leopard Server 10.6, giving new features and advancements.

Mac OS X 10.6 Server short list of key features include:  iCal Server 2, Podcast Producer 2, Wiki Server 2, Address Book Server, Mobile Access Server, iChat Server, File sharing, Mail services, Web Hosting, Spotlight Server, Client management, Networking and VPN.

With Intellamac, we’ll help you decide if Mac OS X Server is right for you and what services you may need. We can configure and support a new server(s) or upgrade your existing server(s). But we don’t stop there, we’ll train one or more people in administering your server or just let us do that for you.