The holidays are fast approaching, and for many people that means one thing: endless photo opportunities. After the last latke is consumed, you’re going to want to share your images with everyone in the family, but you also probably want to make sure you keep those embarrassing matching-Santa-hat group photos and newborn baby portraits in […]
Tag: Tips
Nine tips for protecting your money and yourself That inbox full of Black Friday alerts and e-tailer sales pitches are sure signs that the peak holiday shopping season has arrived. But while online shopping from a computer or a smartphone can save you time and money, it can also give online scammers their biggest opportunity […]
Reading PDFs in your browser, instead of downloading them and reading them in an app like Preview, is a nice convenience. But Safari is the only major Mac browser that has a read-PDFs-in-the-browser option turned on by default … Chrome has the same feature, here’s how easy it is to enable it:
File this hint from under “it seems so obvious, but did you know?”: As you probably do know, Spotlight can serve as a calculator. If, for example, you enter 100+4 in the Spotlight query box and hit Return, you’ll get the usual list of Spotlight results. At the top: A result from Calculator, 100+4 = […]